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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Who affects your life, who you live for, and who you have beside you

A consultant mentor of mine mentioned an interesting statement: "In life there are 3 things/people which/whom are most important

  1. God
  2. Your life partner
  3. Your Job
They determine what your life is or will be. And he added on that it is important to select the right partner for it will make or break you." (this are probably not his exact words). As we all know, many say behind a successful man is a woman. And i do agree this to a great extent, other than the tinge of sexism in the statement, well behind a successful woman can also be a man.

I believe that you need a supportive partner to succeed in work, for we only have to hands and 24 hours. The time and place we need our hands are more than 24 hours and more than 2 places at once. And another pair of hands help to save the day. Another pair of hands shares the load, another pair of hands can give u a hug. But well if you choose a wrong partner (was lazy to think of a more politically correct term), you end up ruining each other's life. Life gets miserable as you require more time and effort to appease the other half, to live with your other half and just to live life. It gets tough, and you end up not being able to channel the energy needed to succeed in life.

Success in life has many measures, but well happiness is a good measure. And it's contentment at arriving at your goal (that is set realistically) that brings themost happiness. Another mentor said that a lot of guys in our society have depression because they work for $ and it is never enough.

back to the main point. So i believe we must trust and believe and select carefully to succeed.
and my view point of the 3 points is that Family is the aspect that should replace your life partner. At the end of the day, Mum and Dad are the only pair in the world. you can choose anyother wife, but well family is family. And then comes the family u create with your other half. They are hopefully your support, your cheerleading squad, and the reason you live and work for.

i sure hope we all succeed in life.

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