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Sunday, January 28, 2007

The start of my holidays proper.

This blog has not been updated for quite some time, no spice, no interesting stuff.. As we can see, Kerf's life has been stagnant. Monotony has ruled in his mundane working life. As such, he has planned his escape from the retail world. The broad and amazingly interesting world of Retail, for the sake of his rest and relax he needs for his holiday.

The Retail world: you never know what it really is till you experienced it. The cut throat competitions among some people, the nice colleagues, the stress of having to meet targets, the sense of disablement when you see the amount of old stock you have to finish pulling out and new stock to put in the miniscule storeroom, all part of the many facets of the retail world.

Some ask me, what have I learnt during this job? Well communication is something i observed very well. The multiple hits and misses during the pitching of sales has taught me how to observe people in such minute detail (a slight twitch of the eyebrow) and at the same time the big picture (body language). People react so differently, some hide their inner thoughts that affect their actions and speech so well that it's scary. You can assess how much people are actually interested in buying stuff u sell. Well some are so subtle that it is almost instinctive to pick up and i therefore have no idea how to explain them.

I met many interesting people along the way. There are the hot babes that i click so well with, and are filthy rich and about 2-3 years older, to the blardy irritating pest of this world non-stop-complainers that i have to say sorry to for something i have not done. You learn a huge chunk. From discussing about the casinos springing up soon, to the 5 million shares my customer bought and which stocks to buy. Met many lawyers, and huge huge numbers of bankers and investors that talk by the millions on the phone. The gays, the lesbians, the hot mommas, the couple that changed together in 1 fitting room...

Well for those who i have not met since i came back, i promise to try meeting u after i end my job. So dun be surprised if i go knocking on ur door in the mth of Feb. And think i will make a few cakes along the way, so some of you will be lucky to have cake in ur mouth with the honour of kerf visiting you. wahaha


poohpooh said...

if your very packed holidays are monotonous ... what's that of students like us?

kerf said...

Haha, our lives are in perpetual monotony. So sad. We have to break free. Let's be porn stars!