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Thursday, December 27, 2007

back from Perth

back from perth yesterday. loads of fantastic photos. will be up soon. after i'm back from malacca

leaving for melacca on 28-30 Dec. yes melacca again lol.

spoilt my mother board when i was checking wat RAM to buy. so getting new CPU, RAM, and mother board =( and SATA hard disk. all these to make sure i can come up with a better video for Rachel.

had tarama today. lovely stuff. a bit too expensive for me, but it sure was palatable and desirable.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Perth here i come

so the past few days have been me busy going out, almost neglecting my parents. sad =(

met some of my JC classmates. Eleanor, Yiting, Pema, Charis, Elaine. where are the guys?!
photos up after i come back from Perth

met up with som PA Crewies. Yong Ji who just back for the christmas period from illinois, Kang Xun who seems to be doing well, and Lilian who is going over to meet Weihong soon; meanwhile struggling to complete her FYP.

had deserts at Miss Ho's house with Kel, Becky =), Zhen, Sheryl, Steph, Eelin. played pictionary for the first time in many many many years.

returned the terrapins back to my neighbour. miss them already =(

lost my ATM card. no idea where but cancelled it.

and spent so much time and effort on a wedding video. it's being transcoded by my desktop now, it's been 6 hours and it still hasnt finish burning the first piece. i am sooo sorry Rachel. the banes of modern technology.

Going to perth on Thurs morning 0930hrs. hope i have enough memory cards to shoot, and that the farm stay will be cool =) the weather will be not thought. the day i am returning back to sg is forecasted to be 38 deg. time to find the sunglasses (mine just broke) and slab on the sun screen.

Monday, December 17, 2007


so i shot my first wedding reception. mm no, not photo but video, so i got nothing to show case to the world. Sigh

and i wouldnt say it was good. but it's decent. think photography is still my kinda thing.

the brides' dad shoots videos, and he thinks still shots are more difficult than video. i still think still shots are easier. we compose and snap. only thing is the need to capture the moment. video u hae the luxury of time. but i think it is difficult as lighting is more difficult to control, and the editing is much more complex than just photoshopping.

and well. video takes up much more space and time to work with lol. good luck to myself to finish uploading the video to my desktop and attempting to edit it a bit, short timeline for me to finish the edit, but they didnt want any edit in the first place.

i just want to edit =) LOL

going Perth from 20-25 Dec. mm a place not on my long list of locations to visit. but well, it's time spent with mum, her friends and their kids. family time is good time. no matter what.

Saturday, December 08, 2007


as a medical student i keep remembering which bacterium i should kill, and sometimes forget those that are life giving to us like those in the gut.

then there are those Shewanella that secrete nanotubes ;p LOL but seriously groundbreaking discovery.

plenty of photos are up 308 photos in the last 2 days to be exact. and more to come! stay tuned =)

Friday, December 07, 2007


it was the most intellectuall ystimulating chat and one that made me thin more than i had since VIA and i LOVED it =) i totally loved it =)

Minks =)

Monday, December 03, 2007

a prison a torment

a prison a tormenting cell, i built for myself
a lie of feelings and a hurt so deep
i teared that i hurt you i teared at my guilt, at my conscience, at the fact i did not obey my conscience.
i never lied. but when i did. it was huge, it was bad, it is bad.

so now i am imprisoned by this guilt of not a thing i have done but things i have done.
all against my conscience. all terrible and all tearing me apart.
slumber is but a temporary relief of this torture. if i manage to drift in.

only time can tell, only this space time continuum can tell whether i deserve another chance.
another chance. if only i can have it.
i pray.