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Thursday, September 18, 2008

interestingbut may be slightly disgusting to some: HIV talk

not many people are aware of how the risk compares with different styles of intercourse so here goes (for my fellow colleagues):

The relative risk for HIV transmission varies from 100 for receptive anal sex, 20 for receptive vaginal sex, 13 for insertive anal sex, 10 for insertive vaginal sex, to 2 for receptive fellatio vs 1 for insertive fellatio.

HIV transmission by oral sex between men has been reported.
HIV transmission is reduced by approximately 80% with condom use.

the point about transmission by oral sex has been underestimated by many. Especially many teens in the US think that oral sex is safe, but actually still carries a risk. A colleague of mine got to interview a patient with HIV who was male. He had oral sex with his parter and got HIV from his partner because he had dental work done and had a cut in his mouth.

interesting disease this is, and the therapy takes a long time for me to understand and remember.

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