A good Read from a good Friend
For those who know him, they know him for his literary prowess: Moses Tan. Future lawyer. Fantastic writer. If you got time. I recommend his 3 articles on his blog. He's one of my exit links. Go check it out.
Kerf_in Monash Uni_loving medicine =)
For those who know him, they know him for his literary prowess: Moses Tan. Future lawyer. Fantastic writer. If you got time. I recommend his 3 articles on his blog. He's one of my exit links. Go check it out.
Posted by
11:40 AM
Posted by
11:30 AM
So a post 17 days Late. IT was my first concert, the kind possibly classified as rock concert, though think they are classified as alteranative rock. Was extremely excited. Furthermore, had the most interesting friends to go with, Kary, Jereme, Dinesh and Jan. For those who know me in biomed quiz: yes it's the Dinesh that said pneumothorax when we were presenting our PBL on peptic ulcer.
The concert started with Youth Group warming us up. And well i guess i dun noe much of their music. Except their resing of Forever Young. And we waited soooo long for Coldplay to actually come out after them. Noticed that Chris Martin's MTF on his piano (see my photos) which is actually Make Trade Fair. And the ignorant me dun noe anything bout it, while Kary knew well what it was.
Seeing them do their sound check, and all the equipment shifting and setting up, sure did remind me of the good old days of P.A. Crew. Sure miss those times and people, where i got to see free concerts.
So it started. WE were standing about 4 rows from the stage. The lighting effects were amazing, Lasers used in Clocks, The large screen behind used for almost every song. and the play of shadows, creations of silhouettes. Music: need i say anything. It was the closest i got to Coldplaying ever, live music. A chance to hear our own voices at times. It was stupendous, it was stupefying, it was perfect. Many times a zap of excitement sprints doen my spine, almost tingling and numbing. The songs were mostly from X any Y, but had the few older ones: Yellow, The Scientist, A Rush of Blood, and many i can't remember. Yellow had massive yellow baloons running down the audience. Yes, it's in theis pic i took.
It was in the end topped off with Kylie Minogue's Can't Get You Out of My Head. Looking forward to my next concert. What ever it is...
Go Look at my videos and Photos, Credits for some pictures and videos go to Dinesh. My Camera ran out of battery while i was recording The Scientist. This is dedicated to those who like The Scientist and Yellow especially to Shihui, (wish u were here to see Coldplay too):
The Scientist
Posted by
2:46 PM
Labels: Photography
If u get the title, U're either a genius that understands anything anyway or u actually understand my random stringing of words together that has sense but probably grammatically so wrong that i would disappoint Mrs Koh (my GP tutor). As u can tell i am a little off today.
Apologies for not being able to post anything substantial for The Coldplay Concert. I did the best of things to do... Forgot to bring spare batteries to my already dying camera. So i need to rely on Dinesh's photos and VIDEOS which i have yet to get. Will do a proper post for that
Working has got me thinking and mentally enhanced. Why? u might ask? marking papers, staring at the computer screen, continuous incessant noise of muse clicking actually stimulates brain cells? There was so little brain actiity that we seriously had problems staying awake. Kary's Audio books, a life saver. They kept me company. Being the infrequent reader that i always have been, it's amazing that i actually finish 'reading' 2 books. Through my iPod nano. First Short History of Nearly Everything then Life of Pi (aka 3.1415926536)
Short Hist: Got me high at first with the abstract physics, (for those who do not know, i actually like abstract physics a lot, enough for me to consider a career in it before), then it was a steep decline of interest after. Chemistry was not so bad. Then came the dinosaurs, and worse: taxonomy. There is actually more than a chapter on taxonomy. How can they talk so much about name calling... Well i learnt a lot i guess, but it kept me awake at least.
Life of Pi: Interesting relapse of Robinson Sucroe, Crusoe whateva. The tale of a whole book of lies. Ship wreck. Not really lies as metaphors used too literally. Go read. It ain't too bad, Just that it couldn't keep me awake most of the time and i have to interject it with some Likin Park or Eminem to give my consciousness a few light face slaps to keep me clicking.
Oooh! and did i mention i actually met Jake the presient of the Singapore Students Association of Victoria (SSAV). He was at the computer beside me. I also met NorWind, Funky name for a malaysian girl. Got their contacts.
Enough! I need to go pack. 2 hours to leave for Sydney and i dun have anything in my bag other than my underwear. Ta ta for now
~brought to u by the letter C (for Coldplaying is cooler than Qoo)~
Posted by
8:43 AM
XIUWEN! Why did u do this to me! haha. well here goes the post that stops here, no more propagation no more harmed victims. First time i do this kinda stuff, but all u readers out there, if u want to do it, just go ahead. Now, now, dun complain that i'm not sporting. I just dun realy like chain mail and this kind of stuff all together. Everyone's entitled to an opinion right? And posts like this are like tearing the clam shells apart of me that i have been sometimes trying to shut so tightly... Things like this always ask bout favourites. It suddenly occur to me that, i've been sailing through life without much favourites... Just taking things as they come along, occasionally and i really mean occasionally actually label some inanimate as a favourite. No wonder i actually have difficulty deciding whether i actually like a person. Wow, i'm wierd.
1. Do the following WITHOUT complains
2. Choose 5 person to do this after you completed yours(I will not)
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged.4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this. (i will not)
Favourites Favourite Colour: Green...Favourite Food: anything cooked with love, from a sandwich (theoretically not cooked) to a 10 course dinner to my crystal jade timsum. Favourite Song: Wherever You will Go (The Calling), The Scientist (Coldplay) Favourite Movie: Before Sunset Favourite Sport: Archery (but i probably totally can't shoot after so many years) Favourite Day of the Week: Monday (just bcos everybody hates it) Favourite Season: Seasonal Affective Disorder Favourite Ice Cream: Ice cream is ice cream, love every type of it.
Currents Current Mood: Psyched, Just watch Tokyo Drift in MJ's Room Current taste: Yogurt, just finished 1 litre of Vanilla Yogurt Current Clothes: shorts and a VJ 02 orientation tee Current Desktop: Morning at Normanby (go look at my flikr) .Current Toenail Colour: Pale, from cold feet Curent Time: half past midnight Current Surroundings: my room at halls. inundated by the noisy fan from my laptop Current Annoyances: Do i ever get annoyed? I dunno
FirstFirst Best Friend: Bryan in Faith Methodist (K1) First Crush: Emily from Faith Methodist (K1, We held hands i think, she was my partner when we were lining up. ) First Movie: Snow White and 3 little pigs, i watched one just after the other, my mum bought both and that got me hooked onto teevee. First Lie: Can't remember, the earliest i remember is when i told the maid i was going toilet when 4 or 5 yrs old when i actually went to the playground First Music: Still have the 1st music book my parents bought when i was 3 or 4, notice ABC and twinkle stars have the same tune.
LastsLast Cigarette: Does passive smoking count. Can't blame me, i'm blessed with asthma, so i'll prob nvr smoke Last Drink: Does water count? alcohol will be from the port that my neighbour Kar Mun couldn't finish Last Car Ride: bout 6 i think just came back from Mount Dandenong (Thanx again Terrence) Last Crush: Can't decide, too many to choose and lost count. lol Last Movie: Click! in the cinema, Tokyo Drift in MJ's room Last Phone Call: with Kary about her getting the same zone ticket as i am for the Coldplay concert Last CD played: Whoa! tricky one. Acronis True Image Recovery disk, to reclone my hard disk
Have you ever Have you ever dated one of your best friend: Have i ever even had a proper date? lol Have you ever broken the law: Does underage clubbing count? Have you ever been arrested: NOPE. Have you ever skinny-dipped: nope. I am not skinny and i dun dip, i plunge. Have you ever been on TV: Nope but acted in Victoria Theatre before, closest i had with showbiz. Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: lol kiss! u gotta be kidding!
5 things you are wearing: i'm wearing less than that, 1 of significance is modesty. 4 things you done today: Watched a penalty shootout in Terrence's house, Make Pancakes there, went to Mt Dandenong, forgot to get my aunt a birthday card, watch tokyo drift. 3 things you can hear right now: Some ass speaking so loudly in the hallway, my pesky loud laptop fan, my harddisk running 5 people to tag? 5 people i meet in heaven, maybe i should get started on tt audio book
Posted by
10:03 PM
Labels: Procrastination