Jason Mraz Concert =)
So the couple went to a/the Jason Mraz concert. It was Becky's first so i thought it would be nice for us to be near the stage. And the standing tickets got us to about 3rd row =)
performance by Lisa Mitchell revealed an ataxic attractie girl with voice tics. She sang wierd, couldnt pronounce words well and had terrrible showmanship.
Eric Hutchinson was lovely. he sings well and engages the audience. and well has cute blob of hair lol.
Jason Mraz was great. too bad he performed for only 1.5 hours of the 4.5 hours we were there. Kary and Becky were disappointed as i was at the length. His performance was nice though =) even got Becky moving and dancing on the floor =)
Let some pics do the walk and talking =)taken using Becky's omnia. my dSLR was not allowed inside =(