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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, say a lil prayer for me

i promise i will not lament about not studying in this post. MY life well has been monotonous somewhat. what broke the monotony this week was going to National Day Celebration organised by SAM. It was great. Jeff said he expected it to be better, well it's my first time there. Anbd thanks to Ling, i was the photographer for that too. have a look at the photos. Once again i learnt something new in photography: people are fascinated by a slave flash and that i should get a diffuser, though i just made one out of baking paper... Where cooking meets photography lol.

Then Friday night, because i ran out of food, i went out with Melissa and a few year 3s Weng Fai, Chong Beng and Pradeep for dinner. Pradeep has a new Jazz too, but it's auto. And he drives a bit too fast and reckless for my liking lol. but well at least there was adrenaline. Went to Box Hill to eat. Never been there before. The Char Siew i ate was the best i have eaten in Australia.

Okay now i am off to execute my plan to counter my ever present sloth and get some studying done. Say a little prayer for me. ;p

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious: super- "above," cali- "beauty," fragilistic- "delicate," expiali- "to atone," and docious- "educable," the sum meaning roughly "Atoning for extreme and delicate beauty while still being highly educable." i.e. someone incredibly beautiful but also extremely intelligent. i have in mind 1 person who is tt lol.

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